Keeping a small business afloat amidst COVID19 has been incredibly challenging. From supply chain shortages, to saying up to date with ever changing protocols and adjusting sales channels with the changing market, it can feel overwhelming. As we move into a post covid normal, I want to share a few things I have learned navigating a business through a pandemic.
1) Crisis has the potential to sharpen businesses and create new opportunities. Brands rise and fall when pressure is applied by how they lead during a crisis. John F Kennedy once said, “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” The ability to stay clear, composed and committed to excellence when times are tough will pay off in the long run.
2) You are nothing without a strong team, no one can go it alone. A good leader knows how to assemble a good team that gels well together, and is committed to the mission or goal of your business and then works hard to provide whatever the team needs to do their job well. To have individual commitment to a common vision, that is what makes a business work.
3) Trust the process. Plan the work, work the plan and trust the process. When you are grinding, putting in the work, taking care of your team and embracing the challenges that come, success is inevitable.